Gabel Mousa (Mount Sinai)

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After leaving Dahab, we head for "Mountain Sinai" - as Parker says. The Arabic name is Gabel Mousa which means the Mountain of Moses. We passed Beduins and land that seems much the same as in the days of Moses. As we looked at the mountain towering ahead of us we thought that Grant and Parker would not be able to make the six-hour trek. To our surprise, they managed it with no problem. (John did help Grant out a little.) It was a great family time as we climbed for two hours without seeing another person. The silence was golden!

Toward the top we stopped for tea at a Beduin stand. Who could imagine an afternoon without tea? Then we reached the steps. A monk from the monestary at the foot of the mountain built over seven hundred steps as a vow to God. It was quite an undertaking. He allegedly died on the last step.

Seeing this view was one of our many blessings in Egypt. Loving the country and its people made the trip even more meaningful!

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