a day in the desert

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Last weekend was the Eid (three day feast) and there was no school on Sunday for Monday. So Monday morning we got a taxi and headed to Saquara to ride horses. It was such a beautiful place - a palm grove in the Sahara. We rode horses for a couple of hours passing Saquara, the first pyramid, and some other less famous ones as well. In most every sense, life in Egypt is very normal but riding horses at the pyramids is a good reminder that this indeed is not Mississippi!

If you look closely at the picture of John, you can see the Saquara pyramid in the background. Obviously, these are not the pyramids usually shown in pictures (and in our header). Those three are the Giza pyramids which are about a half hour from our house.

back at the ranch...
for a delicious lunch

and dates for dessert.

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