Back to the Sinai

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A few weeks ago we took a trip back to the Sinai. The mountains rising out of the sand are strikingly beautiful! It is one of our favorite places in Egypt partially because it is untouched and quiet. The eight-hour bus trip gave us plenty of time to enjoy the scenery while watching Egyptian movies. We went through a tunnel at the Suez Canal and down to the southernmost tip of the Sinai then back up to Dahab. Since security in the Sinai is high, passing though the checkpoints took time. When we arrived in Dahab we found it totally relaxing. The shoreline is lined with Beduin restaurants which are a pecfect place for sitting, thinking, drinking tea and eating lemon-sugar pancakes, our latest addiction. We could sit and wonder about the mysterious land of Saudia Arabia whose mountains were visible in the distance.

We took a jeep up the beach to a famous snorkeling spot, the Blue Hole. Barrett and Anna enjoyed their first snorkeling adventure. Camels roamed everywhere. It was a wonderful trip! Pictures of Mount Sinai coming soon.

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