Still a southern boy?


Grant may need a little southern culture tutoring when we return to the States.

Today he was spinning a Spiderman umbrella. I told him that was not what it was supposed to be used for. He looked surprised and said, "Well, what is it for then?" Since it only rains one inch per year here I guess he hasn't seen much use for it other than spinning it and using it for a walking cane.

Last night we made iced tea for some Egyptian friends. We rarely make ice. Grant said, "I want some icing in my tea."

At Easter a friend made a ham for us. People laughed when I asked Grant if he remembered ham. They said, "Of course, he does." A few minutes later came the answer, "Mama, can I have some more sam?"

I am sure that soon after arriving in Mississippi he will know all about ham, iced tea and rain.

Ahlan taney! (hello again!)


just in case you have forgotten us, here is a family portrait by Parker.

a review for the grandparents.....


Christmas in Cairo....

Playing in the sand on the Suez Canal, who would have guessed?

Grant is now leading camel tours at the Step Pyramid,
the first pyramid built in Egypt.

Barrett with his teacher on the last day of seventh grade.

During our summer in Syria we traveled a lot via taxi, microbus, pullman (big bus) and plane. Grant always claimed his seat near the window. In this particular picture, he is watching "God set the sun up" over the Syrian desert.

Barrett found a kindred spirit in this artist we met in Damascus.

What is it? If you guessed Syrian bread, you are right.

The postman delivers mail to our door. This morning it was two big boxes filled with goodies from America. Where do we start- Chips-a-Hoy or Oreos?

Like a true Egyptian, here is Grant enjoying a morning cup of tea!

Check out these muscles!

We love you!

(yes, that it a potato).

The Brelands


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